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New Members

At RBC, we believe that the Bible teaches all Christians to belong by being meaningfully involved and committed to a specific local church. Are you considering making Reformed Baptist Church your church home? Do you have questions for our leaders? It’s a big decision to join a church, and we’re convinced that you need to know any church that you might join as thoroughly as possible. That is why we offer the membership class.

How to Become a Member

Step 1: Belong to Christ

We believe that the Church is made up of those who have repented and put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. All members are followers of Jesus, unified by our identity in Christ. This unity is expressed in the way we love God, fellow Christians, and the lost.

Step 2: Download and Complete the Membership Packet

The membership packet provides you with material that helps you know a bit more about RBC and allows us to know more about you. It explains the requirements for becoming a member at RBC.

Membership Packet

The 1689 Confession of Faith

RBC Constitution – see link to the current revision on the beliefs page

Step 3: Attend the New Members Class

Belonging to RBC means knowing RBC. We’ve created this class to help newcomers get to know how RBC works. It’s a great opportunity for anyone to learn more about us – our vision, doctrine, defining values, leadership structure and more. Attending the class doesn’t commit you to anything, but in order to become a member you must attend all the classes. We offer it regularly.

Step 4: Membership Interview

The last step before becoming a member is sitting down for a brief meeting with two of our elders. This meeting gives us a chance to hear your testimony of faith in Jesus. It also gives you a chance to ask any remaining questions.

New Member Interview